What affects my site’s speed on hostjar.io?

Hostjar.io is designed to deliver fast and reliable performance for your static website. By leveraging Cloudflare’s global Content Delivery Network (CDN), your site’s static files are served from the nearest server location to your visitors, ensuring minimal latency and optimal load times.

Factors affecting site speed

  1. File size:
  1. Larger files take longer to load. Optimize images, CSS, and JavaScript files to reduce their size.
  1. CDN performance:
  1. Hostjar.io uses Cloudflare’s CDN, which has servers in over 200 cities worldwide, ensuring fast delivery.
  1. Caching:
  1. Static files are cached on Cloudflare’s servers, reducing load times for returning visitors.
  1. Network conditions:
  1. The speed of your site can also depend on the visitor’s internet connection and device.

Tips to improve site speed

  • Optimize images: Use tools like TinyPNG to compress images without losing quality.
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript: Reduce file sizes by removing unnecessary characters and spaces.
  • Use a CDN: Hostjar.io’s integration with Cloudflare ensures your site benefits from a global CDN.

Need help?

If you have questions about site speed or need assistance, feel free to:

  • Email us at hello@hostjar.io.
  • Click the chat button in the bottom-right corner of the dashboard to connect with our support team.

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